
Answering “Was It Worth It?” (and a Timely Hangover Cure)

So, we’re located in Chicago, about a half mile from Wrigley Field.  And in case you haven’t set foot near a TV, a radio, Facebook, Twitter, a Goodyear blimp, or a still-drunk-but-soon-to-be-hungover stranger dressed head to toe in blue and red yet this morning, the Cubs just won the World Series, in a Game 7 with more twists and turns than your average M. Night Shyamalan movie and three decades of Days of Our Lives reruns combined.  I haven’t checked yet but I have low expectations on our 5am session attendance rate this morning.

Cubs Fly the W
There’s no way that bear is walking in a straight line this morning.

And it would be really easy for me to call up anybody who missed their workout this morning and give them a hard time for choosing to stay out late drinking and partying.  After all, I’m their trainer, so why shouldn’t I expect anything less than perfect attendance from my clients?  And a hangover?  Surely you would have had just as much fun had you been drinking diet A&W and eaten tilapia and Brussels sprouts out of a Tupperware container at 12am?

Except this wasn’t just a regular Wednesday night in Chicago, and I would be shocked if the reason anybody missed their workout this morning was because they stayed up too late drinking Leinenkugel and watching reruns of Grey’s Anatomy.  It was capping off a once in a lifetime experience for literally everybody.  I don’t know that there is anybody in Chicago who was alive the last time this happened.

And if any of my clients had a few too many drinks, stayed up too late, maybe had to go to the hospital from 2nd degree fireworks burns… I don’t care.  I’m happy for them, because in the end if I asked them “was it worth it?”, I can’t see any answer except “yes.”  Because life doesn’t revolve around your body fat percentage or your MyFitnessPal consistency, and sometimes all of that day to day health stuff has to take a backseat to more important things.

It’s not unlike the advice I’ve given to clients who are planning their wedding, and want to “run the menu” by me to see if it meets my approval.  “But it’s your wedding… why would you care what I think?  It’s just one day and it only happens once.”  And like I told another client of ours earlier this week, you may as well celebrate the Cubs in the World Series while it’s happening, because even if they go back again in a year or two, the shine is off of the apple.  And not unlike a wedding, it’s just not the same the second time around.

So please… if you are trying to decide whether you made the right choice in neglecting your diet and training program, ask yourself “was it worth it?”  And if you can answer “yes,” than who really cares?

And if you happen to be dealing with an epic hangover this morning, you may want to contact these guys:


Mobile IV hangover treatment.  I highly suggest you book now because 100,000 other Cubs fans are probably calling them.

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