Client Spotlight: Bernard Elam

In the first installment of our Client Spotlight feature, AST client Bernard Elam describes his experiences at All Strength Training and how he’s regained control of his appearance and his life.

My whole life, I have felt I have a weak upper body, so I would normally skip any strength training and focus on running.  I knew I needed to do something different, because I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted the last several years, and was at my heaviest ever.  After several months of putting it off, I joined All Strength Training last fall.  AST educated me on the importance of strength training, and my BioSignature showed me that I needed to work my upper body and my nutrition to reach my goals – a leaner, stronger, and healthier body overall.

The BioSignature has been a huge part of my transformation.  It gets me past being a “slave to the scale”, because I have a more targeted view of my body. I understand exactly where my problem areas are and the priority of these areas by measuring my body fat in 12 different sites.  It really sets the stage for my nutrition planning and training program, so I can get results relatively quickly.

I have been coming to AST for about seven months, and the most noticeable changes are that I have lost 7% body fat and over 20 pounds of scale weight. I have gained lean muscle mass, feel more energetic, and sleep better.  I also believe I have better posture, because I am more aware of my body.

At the start of my program, I had high LDL cholesterol at 170, and my doctor put me on a drug. I made sure AST was aware of my issue with cholesterol, so I received some nutrition guidance.  Through the combination of the drug, the changes in nutrition, and my training routine, I was able to lower my LDL cholesterol 50% in three months and went from being “at risk” to “excellent” cholesterol levels.

I love to eat out, and it’s basically a job requirement because I work in the food business.  With AST’s nutrition guidance, I really had to think seriously about the foods I put into my body.   I had to make a real lifestyle change with my nutrition if I was going to be serious about getting into decent shape.

I started cooking at home most of the time, and planning my meals better – even when I do eat out. I did participate in a two hour nutrition seminar and an afternoon cooking soiree through AST and learned how much better I can do with some healthy recipes and the right cooking equipment.

I train in a semi-private setting with other members who share similar goals and similar needs, which keeps me highly motivated to push myself harder than I normally would.  Nobody wants to be the weakest link, so we naturally push each other and feed off of everybody’s energy.  In fact,  because of the relationships I’ve developed with those that I train with, I feel more accountable to them and don’t want to let them down.

AST has a range of programs, camps, seminars, and nutritional products, but I have never felt pressured to buy anything.  There is no sales pressure, gimmicks, or complicated contracts, just a straightforward education and training process.  This is truly the best experience from any other places where I have trained.

Bernard at 225lbs, and 8 months later at 200lbs.

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