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My Body Transformation Part 4: Days 17-24

For Part 1 of this series, click here.

For Part 2 of this series, click here.

For Part 3 of this series, click here.

I’ll spare the dramatic day-by-day runthrough as there was nothing amazing about this week other than a few changes:

– rotated in Yin-Hance 1.0 as the insulin modulator and took out Insulin Plex 2.0
– was supposed to add in berries as a carb source with breakfast, which I only remembered to do 2-3 days the whole week. I’m so used to going no-carb that it was actually a challenge to put them back in.
– will be starting a new training cycle next week after only 2 weeks on the current program (more on this in a minute)

BioSignature results:

Scale weight – 160.0 to 159.5 (down 0.5lbs)
Bodyfat % – 12.3 to 12.2 (down 0.1%)
Lean body mass – down 140.3 to 140.0 (down 0.3lbs)

Now, I’m not too worried about the change in LBM, as it’s small enough to have been variance from food or water intake from the previous measurement. What I did find to be problematic was:

– Triceps up from 6.7 to 7.1
– Pec up from 4.4 to 5.0

Both of these would indicate overtraining/under-recovery. This would make sense, as the program I had been using for the last 2 weeks was geared toward hypertrophy and not fat loss, and it looks like I just burned out on it a little faster than expected (2 weeks instead of the prescribed 3 weeks). This was confirmed when my last workout (Friday) was absolute trash – all of my weights that had been steadily progressing just crapped out and everything went down. Fortunately it’s easy enough to correct those problems, and they should be back down by next week.

On the bright side, I can see some noticeable changes from where I was 3 weeks ago, with some increased definition through the abs and obliques:

My estimate is that it may take another 4-5 weeks to get under 10%, as my hormonal priority is no longer insulin (which is probably why the insulin supplement protocol I’m using has slowed down its effectiveness) but is now cortisol and xenoestrogens, which can take a few weeks to address.  More on this next time.

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