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My Body Transformation Part 5: Days 25-32

For Part 1 of this series, click here.

For Part 2 of this series, click here.

For Part 3 of this series, click here.

For Part 4 of this series, click here.

As I did with the last post, I'll just summarize the changes for the week.

The final week of the insulin protocol was a little challenging, mostly just because of a change in training program – using a type of advanced German Body Composition training from Charles Poliquin also known as "6-12-25," which is essentially 3 movements per bodypart circuited together, the first for 6 reps, the second for 12, and the third for 25. It's a type of lactic acid training, which is great for fat loss (assuming that you're following a paleo diet and know the difference between your mouth and a vacuum). The leg workout in particular is pretty brutal, and was the only time during the entire month that I was craving post-workout carbs of any kind.

I ended up having two cheat meals during the last week – one on Wednesday and one on Saturday. Both felt necessary and not forced, and the numbers reflect that much. I've found that I have a pretty good handle on when I'm in need of a cheat meal and don't worry about staying on a once-in-5-days limit. There are times where I could go 10 days without a cheat, and will, and there are times where I feel like I need them several days apart. For somebody who doesn't have a lot of self-control, however, I still suggest no more often than every fifth day, but more likely every 7th day (the higher the bodyfat %, the less frequently you should be cheating).

BioSignature Results

Scale weight -159.5 to 163.5 (up 4.0lbs)
Bodyfat % -12.3 to 11.8 (down 0.4%)
Lean body mass -140.0 to 144.1 (up 4.1lbs)

So most of the change in BF% the last week came not from loss of bodyfat, but from lean body mass gains. But, either way, it results in a drop in bodyfat %, so I can't complain. Plus, how often do you see guys ADD 6lbs of lean mass in a month during a fat loss program? So I'm quite pleased. And I can notice a substantial visible change in definition as well:

The plan going forward now is to address xenoestrogens (shown in BioSignature as a high hamstring skinfold) and cortisol (shown as abdominal fat). I'll tackle the estrogens first and go from there.

So, I think it's pretty clear that the insulin protocol does in fact work – I lost 4% in about a month and wasn't carrying an exceptionally high level of bodyfat to begin with. Especially for those who are 20% or higher, and have had a history of high carb intake, it can produce even better results.


For more information about BioSignature, or to schedule a consultation, click here.

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