
Quick Tip: 10 Tips for Fat Loss

  1. Eat the meat and nut breakfast, every day.
  2. If you have trouble sleeping through the night, make sure your last meal is 2-3 hours before going to sleep.  This decreases digestive stress and lowers the odds of waking as blood sugar levels decline.
  3. If you have low energy levels, try eating only red meat and nuts before noon, and white meats and green veggies later in the day.  Red meats trigger an increase in dopamine and white meats raise serotonin more.
  4. Take your bodyfat in grams of fish oil each day for four weeks (20 grams for 20%, for example).  Then decrease it to 75% for 4 weeks and 50% for another 4 weeks.
  5. Train each muscle group with less volume and more frequency (2-4 times per week) using full-body or alternating upper- and lower-body sessions.
  6. If you struggle to keep an accurate food log, just take a picture of each meal with your smartphone instead.  No measuring, no guessing required.
  7. Move more.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator, or get off the train one stop earlier and walk the extra few blocks.  This is not your cardio, but it promotes fat-burning.
  8. Carbs are not necessarily the enemy, but most people take in far too many.  Think that you need to “earn your carbs.”
  9. Don’t eat carbs before your workout if you’re trying to lose fat.  Would you go to the gas station to fill up if your tank is already full, or would you wait until you drive a few hundred miles first?
  10. Have a goal and a deadline.  Whether you reach it when you want to is less important than knowing what you want to achieve and how quickly.

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