
Quick Tip: Avoid Oxidized Cholesterol


There are many, many misconceptions out there about dietary cholesterol (quick note: saturated fat from animal protein DOES NOT raise blood cholesterol, and has never been shown to no matter what BS drug is being pushed on you, but that’s a topic for another day).  However, there is one form of cholesterol that should be avoided at all costs, and that is oxidized cholesterol.

Think of it like this – oxidized cholesterol is taking something that should be a liquid, and making it a solid.  It’s usually done to extend shelf life, much like trans fats/hydrogenated oils (and typically they all will come together in the same package).  Here are a few examples:

  • powdered eggs (usually found at most hotel breakfasts)
  • donuts, cookies and pastries
  • soft serve ice cream
  • powdered milk (including some baby formulas)

As for the side effects?  Well, to oxidize essentially means “to rust.”  So if you get out of your body what you put in, you begin to destroy yourself from the inside out, albeit very slowly.  Odixized cholesterol raises LDL, specifically the dense type of LDL shown to increase risk for heart disease.  It can also result in impaired brain function and reduced mental clarity, along with other immune and inflammatory responses.

To avoid cholesterol, eat foods in their original form – fresh, whole eggs, raw, unpasteurized milk (unless you are lactose intolerant) and avoid eating foods that you could buy when you move into your freshman dorm and still be able to eat on your graduation day.

For more information, this is a great resource on oxidized cholesterol and other cholesterol-related issues – http://www.integratedsupplements.com/articles/Newsletter200701.pdf

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