April Strength Challenge: Pushups & Pistol Squats!

Pushups & Pistol Squats challenge

We love doing strength challenges – last year we ran two different versions of our popular Pullup Challenge as well as a very successful Core Challenge. Now we’re continuing on this month with a bit of a hybrid strength challenge – Pushups & Pistol Squats!

Pushups are one of those movements that are on a lot of “fitness bucket lists” on one end of the spectrum, but then become kind of not-any-fun once you can do a decent amount of them. So we’re covering both parts – a version of it for those of you who want to be able to do them, and those who can.  If you can, we’ve incorporated some fun advanced pushup variations, including a few gymnastics-inspired ones, to ramp up the difficulty.

And pistol squats are one of those very Instagram-friendly, “I just want to be able to do one and then never do them ever again please and thank you” exercises, so we have you covered there too! Work your way toward just doing one for your fitness bucket list, or get so good at them that you could easily add “Can do a pistol squat on top of a moving train” to your resume’s Special Skills section.

Download the Pushups & Pistol Squats training program here

Download the training log sheet here

If you don’t already, follow us on Instagram and tag us with the hashtag #pushupsandpistols to show us how well you’re doing on this month’s strength challenge!

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