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What Kind of Meal Prepper Are You?

We all know that food prep is essential to keeping nutrition in check, but there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. You have to be willing to experiment and try new things before you find a plan that’s right for you. Here are a few different styles of prepping to help reach and keep your goals.

Traditionalist: Good for people with a fairly open schedule

The traditionalist plans their menu for a couple of days at a time.  They shop once weekly or, at most, or make a couple of trips every few days. They cook each meal before eating, and save time by prewashing/chopping veggies and pre-seasoning proteins. Frozen steamer veggies and precooked proteins are efficient options for this type of prepping.

Double Duty: Good for people with extra time in the morning

This style of prepping is all about planning a menu for the week and making a single shopping trip. This prepper is a master multitasker who cooks many dishes at once, while preparing their breakfast. This is a great way to save time by prepping a couple items each day, which can then be mixed and matched throughout the week.

Weekend Warrior: Good for people who don’t have a lot of free time during the week

The weekend warrior plans their menu for the week and makes one weekly shopping trip. They are able to set aside two to three hours each weekend dedicated to prepping and cooking all food for the entire week, cooking multiple items at the same time using an oven, grill, rice cooker, etc.

The Long Game: Good for people with really busy schedules and just have a couple free days a month

World-class organization skills are required to play the long game. This brave soul plans their meals for up to a month at a time and shops accordingly. They spend a couple of days preparing large batches of meals that are then portioned our and individually frozen. Caveat: It can be difficult to freeze and reheat veggies, so try blanching before freezing.

Non-Prepper: Good for people who are EXTREMELY busy, don’t like cooking or won’t cook.

This one should appeal to the convenience seeker. The non-prepper outsources most meal prep to an individual or service. They try out services to see which best matches their tastes and nutritional needs. Saves time by leaving it up to the pros and letting someone else do the work.

How Do AST Coaches Prep?

Staff Member: Zach

What is Your Prepping Type? Weekend Warrior

What are 15 items are on your grocery list every week? eggs, egg whites, grass-fed beef, chicken breast, cod, basmati rice, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, pineapple, strawberries, natural peanut or almond butter, coconut oil, spinach, saurkraut, Best Bar Ever

Current Prepping Obsession: a Chipotle-inspired cilantro-lime white basmati rice that I pieced together – 3 cups of rice combined with 1/2 cup chopped cilantro, the juice from half of a lime, 1tsp garlic powder, 1tsp Celtic sea salt, and 1tsp coconut oil and steamed. I eat a ridiculous amount of rice for my carbs so it can get boring quickly

Staff Member: Christine

What is Your Prepping Type? Traditionalist/Double Duty

What are 15 items are on your grocery list every week? wild salmon, cod, eggs, Canadian bacon, avocado, almond butter, sweet potatoes, blueberries, strawberries, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celery, mushrooms, rice cakes, dark chocolate 

Current Prepping Obsession: crockpot chicken and bacon (recipe from Paleo Magazine)

Staff Member: Morgan

What is Your Prepping Type? Double Duty/Weekend Warrior

What are 15 items are on your grocery list every week? whole chicken, chicken breast, ground venison, eggs, cucumbers, red peppers, celery, carrot, mushrooms, whole fat plain Greek yogurt, Asiago cheese, almond butter, avocados, acorn squash and rice.

Current Prepping Obsession? Chicken or Turkey Bone Broth Soup (recipe from Wellness Mama)

Staff Member: Jackie

What is Your Prepping Type? Traditionalist

What are 15 items are on your grocery list every week? eggs, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, arugula, split chicken breast, grass fed beef, salmon, heavy whipping cream, red pepps, apples (or some other type of fruit), peanut butter, pecans, full fat yogurt, some type of grain (long grain rice, oats, quinoa, etc…)

Current Prepping Obsession?

Smashed cauliflower (…steam it…then smash or process it…add delicious things like olive oil or grass fed butter, rosemary, and roasted garlic)

Curry roasted cauliflower with pistachios (more cauliflower for you…because let’s be real…cauliflower is magic… http://fitmencook.com/curry-roasted-cauliflower-with-pistachios/)

Butternut squash (or sweet potato) hash (cube it…roast it in coconut oil…season it any way you want…add crumbled turkey bacon ((or pork bacon for you paleo peeps)), wilted greens…top with a fried egg, green onions, and a little sriracha)

Staff Member: Scott

What is Your Prepping Type? Weekend Warrior

What are 15 items are on your grocery list every week?
Chicken thigh, ground beef, chicken breast, frozen vegetables, frozen strawberries and blueberries, eggs, egg white cartons, spinach , Brussels sprouts , salad kits (Costco), sweet potatoes, soups. I do all my shopping at Costco.

Current Prepping Obsession? Marinating chicken thighs in chipotle peppers in adobo sauce. (recipe from TJ Davidson)


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